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Sun Metro Northgate Transfer Center

El Paso – Texas

Project: Sun Metro Northgate Transfer Center

Architect: Exigo Architecture

Contractor: Dantex Construction

MEG QSP: Various Decors


Sun Metro connects the El Paso community through high quality transit services.

Over 25,000 square feet of MEG QSP adorn the Northgate Transit Center in El Paso, Texas. The Southwest inspired building, designed by Exigo Architecture, features an inviting woodgrain pattern that reveal textures reminiscent of a desert landscape.

The mixed-use project converges multiple spaces, each with its own MEG QSP panel design. Gray panels accent the Transit Center and playfully contrast the bold design choices of orange and green panels used on the retail area. A combination of mixed woodgrains enhance the parking garage and community spaces.

The architect specified MEG QSP (formerly Stonewood Panels) for the project, citing it’s architectural adaptability and domestic production – both of which helped the project stay in budget and meet local sustainability ordinances. The Northgate Transfer Center is the center of transit-oriented development (TOD) in Northeast El Paso.

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